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Justin Draeger, NASFAA President & CEO, Announces Resignation

  • 2 min read

After fourteen years of commendable leadership, Justin Draeger has announced his resignation as President & CEO of the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (NASFAA), effective June 21, 2024.

Under his stewardship, NASFAA has seen significant advancements in standards and advocacy for financial aid professionals.  Draeger will continue his advocacy as the Senior Vice President of Strada Education Foundation: an institution dedicated to providing students with resources and greater opportunities to attend higher education.

Beth Maglione, NASFAA’s Executive Vice President, will serve as interim President. Her extensive experience in higher education positions her well to maintain the organization’s operational continuity during this transition.  A Presidential Search Committee will be appointed in the coming weeks by NASFAA’s Board of Directors.  NASFAA hopes to select Justin’s successor by the end of the year.

Justin released the following statement regarding his departure:  “When I came into this role, I set out to strengthen our association, expand its capacity to serve financial aid offices across the country, and speak directly and honestly with all of our stakeholders in a town where obfuscation and political calculus often carry the day. Most of all, I vowed to stay focused on our vision: that no qualified student be denied access to a quality postsecondary education solely because they lacked the money. Even in times when we fell short of our aspirations, our community rallied together to try and try again, because that’s what financial aid offices do: provide hope for new beginnings and second chances. And that’s a cause every American can believe in. I’ll miss working in this role, but have never been more optimistic about the future of the association and of the profession.”

Dr. Raymond Nault, President of College Aid Services, issued following statement:  “We at College Aid Services extend our heartfelt best wishes to Justin Draeger as he steps into a new role that promises to further his tremendous impact on higher education. His visionary leadership at NASFAA has been instrumental in advancing the student financial aid landscape. We also extend our congratulations to Beth Maglione on her interim presidency and anticipate continued excellence under her guidance.”

For more information about Justin’s announcement, you can visit: